NASG is “Rescue Treatment” for PPH in BJOG 2015 Review Article

The NASG was highlighted as “rescue treatment” in the latest review article on postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) by Andrew Weeks, The prevention and treatment of postpartum haemorrhage: what do we know, and where do we go next?, published in the January 2015 by BJOG. This review acts as a comprehensive clinical guide to prevention, treatment, and rescue care of postpartum hemorrhage with the latest evidence available. Professor Weeks notes the NASG’s promise for use in low-resource settings, due to its ease of application and cost effectiveness, and emphasizes its efficacy in reducing extreme adverse outcomes and maternal mortality as demonstrated in a major cluster randomized controlled trial.  

Emma Rouda is an MPH graduate student at University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health studying Maternal and Child Health. Emma worked in Zambia on the NASG cluster trials as well as supporting other research and dissemination of the results of the Zambia and Zimbabwe combined results. She assisted with the startup of Beyond Repair, an obstetric fistula study set in Uganda. Emma is currently conducting a secondary data analysis on over 1600 cases of women with severe hypovolemic shock to explore the relationship of comorbidities to maternal mortality.